AIO Legal Services Related to Top-Level Domain TLD

TLD is a sort of owning a fraction of the internet. It is a long-term digital identity. TLD stands for Top-Level Domains. It could be, for example:

1- Generic top-level domains like .com, .net; or

2- Brand TLD, which provides the opportunity for companies and corporations to use their corporate name as their website’s top-level identifier, such as .amazon, .barclays and much more.

The benefit of having a Brand TLD

Security, security and security. No need to spend millions of dollars every year to secure your business and transactions online. In addition to great other benefits for your business, one of which is that you are moving to the first line with the biggest companies in the world, and no one can jump into your brand name in the future.

Companies that have already booked their own Brand TLD

.amazon, .apple, .barclays, .bbc, .booking, .canon, .commbank, .etisalat, .fedex, .dodge, .everbank, .ferrari, .gmail, .google, .hdfcbank, .hermes, .hotmail, .hyundai, .kerryhotels, .kpmg, .marriott, .mitsubishi and much more.

Imagine that there are only about 1500 TLDs in the world that presumably cover a market of almost the whole world. Imagine joining this tiny elite and how the impact on your business will be within the next five years. Please note that it is not a forever chance; ICANN will open to receive new applications within a couple of months; then, applying for new g or Brand TLD will be frozen for the next decade.

Besides being with the elite, your business will peak at a level of security that not everyone can reach. It is an excellent chance for banks and other sensitive agencies that already pay millions of dollars to secure their materials, documents and money transactions on the internet. With your new Brand TLD, no need to spend millions of dollars on security and anti-spam. Everything will be under your control.

The fantastic idea of investing in a gTLD

Having a gTLD is a great investment opportunity, especially if you have a product among only 1500 products that serve approximately a ten billion demand market. As previously explained, this chance is limited by time, making it precious.

You can choose to own any TLD you like, for example, .muscat, .mall, .cairo, .chemical, or any other name you desire. You would then have the power to create and resell as many domains as you wish under your TLD, in addition to other services such as providing emails and security services. You could gain daily from selling domains in the market while increasing the value of your asset when the application door is closed for the next ten years.

A reasonable question could arise, I do not know about technology and TLD management; what should I do if I invest in a Brand or gTLD? There will come the role of our client in California, USA. We act as the legal representative of one of the leading TLD technology services in the USA. The founder is a Stanford graduate with around twenty years of experience in technology and TLD in California. AIO Lawyers will take over the legal frame between you and our client, and he will take your TLD file from applying to the ICANN to publishing and managing your Brand or gTLD.


The mentioned TLD services company will charge you as set out below:

1- Brand TLD will cost approximately USD 500,000 (five hundred thousand US dollars) paid over two years of a process.

2- gTLD will cost approximately USD 1.500,000 (One million and five hundred thousand US dollars), paid in a process over two years. However, your investment should expect a return of 10 million US dollars upon obtaining the approval of your new gTLD.

TLD services company in California will help your company or organisation navigate your New TLD application process and makes it easy for you to secure and manage your new TLD portfolio. AIO Lawyers will manage to secure your legal position overseas, giving you the safest and most understandable legal experience ever.

The human population is increasing daily, and the demand for the internet is subsequently increasing. Having your Brand TLD or investing in a generic TLD will give you a privilege millions of people wish to have.

For more information about securing your new TLD, please email us, and we will be happy to reply within one business day.