A Tenant’s Suggested Guide: How to Secure Your Deposit Upon Lease Agreement Completion

Completing a lease agreement can be both exciting and daunting for tenants. As you prepare to move on to a new chapter, one crucial aspect is ensuring the return of your security deposit. Understanding the steps involved in recovering your deposit is essential to avoid unnecessary disputes with your landlord. In this article, we’ll outline the key strategies you can employ to secure the return of your deposit when your lease agreement comes to an end.

1. First and foremost, during your tenancy, make sure to report any required maintenance by sending an email to the property management and not just using a phone call or the online portal. Try also to highlight the issues that may arise due to the property’s age or condition rather than from your usage, such as wall mould.

2. Know Your Lease Terms: Before embarking on the deposit recovery process, thoroughly review your lease agreement. Take note of any clauses related to the return of the security deposit. This will provide clarity on the conditions and timelines stipulated for deposit return.

3. Document the Property’s Condition: To secure your position, document the property’s condition when you move in and before you move out. Take detailed photos or videos of each room, highlighting any existing damages or wear and tear. Again, make sure to document all of that by sending emails to the property management. This will serve as evidence if any future disputes arise regarding the property’s condition.

4. Open communication is crucial. Notify your property management in advance about your intention to move out and inquire about their expectations for the property’s condition. This gives you an opportunity to address any concerns they may have and make necessary repairs.

5. Perform Necessary Repairs: Try to attend to any minor repairs or maintenance required because fixing minor issues yourself can save you from potential deductions from your deposit.


6. Clean Thoroughly: A lot of tenants do not observe this crucial step. Make sure that the property is thoroughly cleaned before handing it over to your landlord. Clean carpets, wipe down surfaces and tackle areas that tend to accumulate dirt over time. A well-cleaned and maintained property increases the likelihood of a full deposit return.

7. Consider coordinating with the property management to conduct a final inspection of the property. Try to be present during this inspection to address any concerns and clarify the condition of the property.

8. Be aware that the inspection report decision is not always a final decision. Keep in mind that you can negotiate the information and observations contained in the report.

9. Be Patient: Deposit return processes may vary, and it might take some time for your deposit to be refunded. Maintain open communication with your property management while patiently awaiting your deposit to be returned.


Recovering your deposit as a tenant is a process that requires careful attention to detail, effective communication, and thorough preparation. By understanding your lease terms, documenting the property’s condition, and considering the steps outlined above, you can maximise your chances of securing a full refund of your security deposit. Remember, open communication and a proactive approach can significantly contribute to a smooth deposit recovery process.

If you have any problem in the process of reclaiming your tenancy deposit, send us a message, and we will be happy to offer our assistance.